Age Groups



Aged 10 months by March

8:00 to 12:00 hrs


Lower Middle

Aged 2 years by March

8:00 to 12:30 hrs


Lower Middle

Aged 2.3 years by March

8:00 to 12:30 hrs

Light Blue

Lower Middle

Aged 2.6 years by March

8:00 to 12:30 hrs


Upper Middle

Aged 3 years by March

8:00 to 12:30 hrs


Upper Middle

Aged 3.5 years by March

8:00 to 12:30 hrs



Aged 4 years by March

8:00 to 12:30 hrs

* Extended hours’ option until 14.00


Happy Day offers a wide variety of extracurricular workshops.

Our Taekwondo Tigers program is especially designed to promote cognitive and motor skills in boys and girls. Methodology and materials used for each class are safe and fun for children and focused on developing skills and encouraging values such as discipline, respect, self-control, and peaceful conflict resolution.

Our Scouts Workshop focuses on promoting values such as friendship, teamwork, respect for diversity and nature. Through a number of physical and recreational activities, boys and girls are able to explore and learn how to make a positive impact on their environment and community. Children take part in dynamic and playful activities and use a large variety of materials. Some topics covered are vegetable gardening and recycling.

This workshop is intended to provide recreation through physical activity such as aerobics and dance workouts which provide boys and girls with motivating and cheerful experiences for their emotional and physical development. It promotes self-assurance and confidence and strengthens balance, coordination, and body awareness through various games and musical rhythms.

The main objective of our Yoga Workshop is that children have fun and relax through games, chanting, different poses and breathing exercises. Yoga for kids is beneficial for health in many ways. It helps children to improve their concentration, self-control and corporate well-being.

Our English Language Workshop is based on playful games, singing, dancing, mime, facial and body expression and the most important resource of all: music!
Methods used in this workshop are Total Physical Response and Natural Approach, which allow children to get a number of benefits such as good pronunciation and the acquisition of vocabulary. 

In this workshop, children will be able to enhance their ability to express and recreate reality through drama and corporal and verbal expression. It will be an instance to create, propose, stimulate the imagination and play with fantasy. The collaborative participation that is given in this workshop favors the socialization and creation of affective bonds.

Through this workshop, children are expected to develop their imagination, creativity, and capability for amazement, act out stories, enjoy children’s literature, and improve listening comprehension, among several other goals.

Classes are divided into two parts:

  1. Listening comprehension: the first part of each class is devoted to reading or telling a children’s story or poem. This usually serves as an inspiration for the second part.
  2. Artistic expression: in the last half hour, an artistic activity is suggested such as modelling, painting, drama, or acting out the story listened to. Works created by the children, such as drawings, small books and sculptures, are exhibited at the end of the semester and then returned to the artists. The titles of books shared are regularly posted on the classroom’s door so that they can be looked up on the internet.

In our Music Workshop, children will explore rhythms playing various percussion instruments, vocalize, sing and expand their repertoire, identify melodies, read and produce musical notes over the C Major Scale, but above all, they will discover the joy of listening, feeling and experiencing music. 

The main purpose of our Ballet Workshop is that girls enjoy the practice of this artistic discipline. Girls develop coordination, balance and flexibility to the rhythm of classical music, and all this in a fun and playful manner!

Todos nuestros talleres están abiertos a niños externos al Jardín



March through December.


January (optional and open to children from outside Happy Day).


Winter: two weeks in July.
National Holidays: One week in September.


Our Happy Summer has as main objective the children to enjoy their summer vacations learning through the game and the fun

Among the activities we carry out we offer:

Water games, theater, artistic expression, cooking, entertaining dance, gymnastics, colored music, yoga, literary workshop, ballet, taekwondo and many more surprises !!!!


Our Happy Day is open to the community for the celebration of an unforgettable birthday, designed especially for each child, his family and friends. A special celebration where a team is in charge of all the details. We have different plans so that they can choose the one that best suits them. If you want to book a date do not hesitate to contact us.